Monday, September 10, 2012

Violence, a Daily Issue!ÍCTIMA.-.jpg

As time passes Brent is getting better. Now, he is more active in his writing. While writing Brent includes a lot of details that make the text more interesting to read. The TV program Cops, impacted me a lot and made me remember to a similar story about a woman that got beat up by her husband. This story was a big scandal in our society. All the news and popular magazines were talking about this. One day after a party arriving drunk to his house he was very angry because of a personal problem. He started to beat up his wife making her face deform and turning all her body to a gigantic purple stain. The next morning she couldn’t believe what had happen to her. All her face was hurt and she had no other way out than to go to the hospital to get professional care. This was a nation-wide scandal, she sued him for a lot of money. They went to court and the women won obviously, the man had to go to jail and in the process she dropped all the charges. Three months later they went back together after this big problem. This is a perfect example of how love can make people take bad decisions that at the end they make no sense at all.

Unfortunately, we live in a country that this same story happens very often.  Colombian women are exposed to this conflict daily, especially the ones in the low social status, man beat up their wife’s because they want to feel superior, specially when they are drunk. Most of the naïve women think this is ok because their husbands are the head of the family, this is all a problem of ignorance. In a developed nation’s society this kind of problems don’t happen, if it happens it will have sevier consequences making people scared of repeating it, while here the legal system takes for ever coming up with consequences that will fix this problem . 

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