Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Be Original!

In thes episode ay th' story ay sassenach it is clearly shoon th' stoatin influence britain hud ower th' scottish. most ay th' vocabulary words ay scottish hae an origin frae sassenach. when boarder wars hae started th' tois languages hae bin apart but ones th' boarder unite it aw connected. 

The poets ay thes nation waur inspirited by th' 15-century. rabbie burns an' standly roberts waur a body ay th' most important poets 'at hae influenced th' warld ay sassenach, these poets hae “restored th' nation’s voice” (the story ay sassenach.) frae mah point ay view thes is a huir uv a bad hin'. scootlund, havin' a unique culture is influenced by th' pressure th' neighborin' nation has. thes is huir uv a similar wi' colombia’s economy. th' wee markets 'at coods hae e'en mair ideas than th' foreign ur big factories ur limited coz society forces them tae produce whit th' markit tells them. th' monopoly is a complicated hin'. most ay th' markit is controlled by th' big multinationals 'at hae control ower th' markit. th' other wee industries ur left apart an' ur forced tae produce whit is a' th' gang. they dae thes tae earn a livin'. Ah foond thes frae an article Ah reid th' other day. thes article clearly specified th' things 'at happened in uir society. Ah swear 'at Ah woods specify them but Ah pure don’t min'. 

This is a similar hin' 'at happened wi' scootlund. since it hud a stoatin influence frae th' british 'en thes coontry was deprived frae creatin' an original an' unique leid. thes influence stopped them frae mony things 'at they coods hae dain. other common hin' 'at happens in colombia is th' influence frae th' us. insteid ay producin' their ain original products, they hae tae depend frae thes bigger power tae hae some inspiration oan th' things they produce. 

This is a vey bad hin', since originality is th' best hin' 'at coods ever exist!

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