Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Be Original!

In thes episode ay th' story ay sassenach it is clearly shoon th' stoatin influence britain hud ower th' scottish. most ay th' vocabulary words ay scottish hae an origin frae sassenach. when boarder wars hae started th' tois languages hae bin apart but ones th' boarder unite it aw connected. 

The poets ay thes nation waur inspirited by th' 15-century. rabbie burns an' standly roberts waur a body ay th' most important poets 'at hae influenced th' warld ay sassenach, these poets hae “restored th' nation’s voice” (the story ay sassenach.) frae mah point ay view thes is a huir uv a bad hin'. scootlund, havin' a unique culture is influenced by th' pressure th' neighborin' nation has. thes is huir uv a similar wi' colombia’s economy. th' wee markets 'at coods hae e'en mair ideas than th' foreign ur big factories ur limited coz society forces them tae produce whit th' markit tells them. th' monopoly is a complicated hin'. most ay th' markit is controlled by th' big multinationals 'at hae control ower th' markit. th' other wee industries ur left apart an' ur forced tae produce whit is a' th' gang. they dae thes tae earn a livin'. Ah foond thes frae an article Ah reid th' other day. thes article clearly specified th' things 'at happened in uir society. Ah swear 'at Ah woods specify them but Ah pure don’t min'. 

This is a similar hin' 'at happened wi' scootlund. since it hud a stoatin influence frae th' british 'en thes coontry was deprived frae creatin' an original an' unique leid. thes influence stopped them frae mony things 'at they coods hae dain. other common hin' 'at happens in colombia is th' influence frae th' us. insteid ay producin' their ain original products, they hae tae depend frae thes bigger power tae hae some inspiration oan th' things they produce. 

This is a vey bad hin', since originality is th' best hin' 'at coods ever exist!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Result of a Great Mixture

In the second episode of The Story of English  it is clearly said that the English language came from the Anglo-Saxon tribes. After the Romans abandoned Britain these tribes started invading the British territory to expand their culture. Well, their goal was accomplished, they not only took their costumes and language to Britain but also made it the number one language in the world. Congrats Anglo- Saxons, you did it!  

Can you believe that the language we speak every day came from a savage tribe. Only knowing this fact makes myself interested in learning more. Why were they so successful? I really want to know what made them so especial.

Thanks to the English historian named William Johns we know that English has a lot in common with Sanskrit. He found out the relation of these two by the world such as: mother, father, new, and seven. Isn’t this amazing? Words we use nowadays were also used two thousand years ago!
I was impressed with the part of the video that a Frisian man started talking. He used some of our world. We all have the same words but with different accent. I love this kind of facts!
After the invasion people were fascinated with the English language. The diversity of this language was incredible, “English gained a staggering ten thousand words from the nomads” (The Story of English.) The newborn learned this language that now was composed of several other languages.  I love mixtures the result is always impressive.

The Story of English. Dir. Edward Armstrong. YouTube. YouTube, 27 Aug. 2009. Web. 13 Jan. 2013. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FtSUPAM-uA>.

# 1 Even in the Air

Never have I ever wondered the origin of languages. This topic is one of those that I never think of, but when I start questioning it becomes very interesting. The origin of English should be more present in the world. You will never hear anyone asking about the origin of this story, and if they do, no one will answer. Isn’t this ironic? Not knowing the origin of something we use on our daily life?
In the video The Story of English by Edward Armstrong this story is told. The first episode talks about the interpretation of the language and the way it has influenced the people around us. Armstrong employs mode of rhetoric such as logos when convincing the audience about his story. For example using sentences such as “80% of the world’s computer data is written in English,” make the reader trust the information.

It is very curious how all of the issues related to air traffic are discussed in English. This language is used a lot. All the airlines, no matter what their native language is, they translate it to English. At the time of departing and landing the orders are given in English.
As said in the video years ago your superiority was determined by the way you talked. If you had the queen’s accent then you were considered superior from the others. This relates a lot to today’s society. The way you speak tells a lot about you. I remember my mom telling me when I was little that “a nice girl must speak decently.” She always told me this after I said a bad word. Today I thank her because there is nothing more disturbing than a girl that talks bad. This is a perfect example to show how the world is still the same, no matter what the customs come from the same origin.

The Story of English. Dir. Edward Armstrong. YouTube. YouTube, 27 Aug. 2009. Web. 13 Jan. 2013. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FtSUPAM-uA>.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Millonarios vs. MANchester

This chapter was a total chaos. I will not imagine myself in that situation. While reading I continued to ask myself “why would someone make all that scarify only to write a book about this hooligans?” I admire Buford’s willpower. He has no commodities at all. The fact of traveling with this unknown people freaks me out. The perfect example that I can associate with is I traveling with Millonarios fans. First of all everyone drunk pushing me, second things getting out of control, and third, I don’t know why, some disgusting odor disturbing my nostrils.

Well, I have to get used to this idea because if I’m wiling to travel after I graduate through all Europe I should assimilate this idea. However, I have something very clear in my mind, I will definitely go with another travel agency, not with the Bobby Boss.

Buford’s confusion is very clear when he is describing the British consul named Mr. Wicks, “What do you do, I wondered, when your instinct is telling you to arrest everyone, and your sense of justice is telling that you cant, and your mind, thoroughly confused, is telling you to smile a lot” (41). The fact of using the word confusion, makes it clear for the reader to understand Wicks position. Buford’s active thinking also gives us an idea of the situation. What a mess. When they got out of the airplane I really had no idea what was happening, why were there so many policemen and cars around them? Is that all part of the logistic agency Buford is traveling with? (That was sarcastic if you didn’t notice.)

I have one thing very clear in my mind, when alcohol is involved in something, things will end up in a total disaster. After having 257 drunken boys around you things will not end up right.  Especially when the person in charge of this trip is, according to Buford, “an attractive chirpy woman” (40). Wow I continue to ask my self why is Buford sacrificing all his dignity traveling with this crazy people.

You must have an incredible passion on this topic Buford!

I guess something exciting will happen, because all this sacrifice must be worth it!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Among the Crowd

Last week I started to read a book called Among the Thugs written by Bill Buford. To be sincer the first couple of pages I was totally lost. I had no idea what I was reading. Continuously I said in my head “why am I reading this? Why?” When I reached the second chapter everything changed.

Now, I don’t want to stop reading. Every page I read is even funnier than the previous one. Buford has a unique form of writing. Referring to my previous book, I found examples of fallacies, humor, and modes of rhetoric. He uses tautology when he is referring to Mick’s stomach “… stomach was large, and his stomach was very, very large” (28). The way he repeats the word “very” and “large” makes me imagine the stomach of this gigantic man.

To be honest, if I ever meet Mick I would panic. The way he describes this man as being part of the “tourist trash” freaks me out (34). He used the perfect word to describe this group of people as the ones that take pictures with every single thing during their trip. The first thing that came into my mind when reading this was the typical Colombian tourists that go to Cartagena for the first time, and they are wearing sandals with socks, here there is facetous humor is present, if you didn’t notice. The only difference here is that the ones Buford refers to are Europeans. The fact of being “Europeans” makes me imagine them different, but at the end they are even “worse” according to Buford (33). 

You are manipulating me Buford, why? I’m now an expert. Don’t play with me. When you refer to Bobby Boss you make me feel intrigue of what will come next. By saying “I cannot refer by his real name. I will call him Bobby Boss. And his agency? The Booby Boss Travel Agency” (31). Congratulations! If your goal was to create the want of reading more, you did it! Later I found out about this agency that until the moment is not nice at all. I picture it as the members being illegal persons.

The way Mick talks is not pleasant. I like the way Buford goes strait to the point and says how Mick refers to Americans and journalists. I’m not going to lie, the first time I read the words “cunts” and “wankers” I had no idea of what Buford was talking about (26). Then after looking in the diccionary I found out their meaning:

Cunts: the vulva or vagina.
Wankers: a male masturbator.

Seriously? You just referred to journalists being vaginas. And Americans being male masturbators. Wow! I’m impressed.

Buford writes this way to gain more confidence with the readers. These words are the ones that make the book change of register. Now it has some informal parts on it.

Your right Mr. Tangent this book is not for girls!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Well Played Don Juan!

Last week I had the wonderful opportunity to watch my friends act in a school play called Don Juan.

God! There are forms of rhetoric even in plays. This amazing play that is about the life of a millionaire, and the struggles he has. I don’t know if is the money or what but this man has wonderful tactics to attract women around him. I wished he were still alive, like this he could teach me tactics of seduction. LOL.

Don Juan that has a lot of people under his disposition. He is always willing to have more. He is happy with a lady but no, he wants more. I think he goes with the fact of all men in this world. One girl is never enough right? Why boys, why can’t you fall in love as we all women do. This fact is the main struggle for most of the dilemmas in the families around us. There is no relationship (unless you are in love) that has a man only happy and living with one woman. Why does this happen? Why aren’t you happy with your own? Why ten at the same time? the question is WHYYYYY

When the soldier called Dimanch comes to Don Juan’s house to look for the money Don Juan owes him. Don Juan’s tactics of distraction are present. When this poor soldier arrives to his house after war, he has all the disabilities that a man could possibly have. Instead of attending him and giving all his attention to this man, Don Juan applies his modes of manipulation. He employs ethos in the way he constantly interrupts Diamanch in his concerns. The fact of always interrupting him distracts the soldier from his main duty. Accomplishing Don Juan’s goal this soldier leaves the house and stop bothering his terrible debtor. Wow Don Juan you also apply Heirichs techniques, congratulations.

Great Don Juan you always go away with it. BU YOU!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Don't Play With Me Churchill

British control over India has been a very important issue. This topic has been a very controversial one since it has brought a lot of different political opinions to gather upon a conclusion. The duty of this powerful force over a developing country is a big struggle for the analysts such as Winston Churchill, a good example is in his speech called Our Duty in India.
At the beginning of his speech he addresses the audience in a very formal way. Churchill’s goal is to make the London citizens to reflect on this topic that is making the government and other candidates think.

Throughout the speech there are hidden fallacies that make the speech interesting and enjoyable to read. While expressing his opinion toward the principals of Gandhi he expects the audience to think the same as he does. After giving various points in the opposition of Gandhi he says, “You will never be able to come to the terms of Gandhi.” Churchill, what makes you feel I don’t agree with Gandhi’s principals and ideas? This is what Heirichs calls the Chanticleer Fallacy, “after this, therefore because of this” (152). At the beginning of the paragraph he says, “Gandhi stands for a permanent exclusion of British trade from India... A substitution of Brahmin domination for British rule in India.” What happens if I think that the real solution for this problem is expulsion of British out of Indian Territory? Don’t play with me Churchill, don’t assume I agree with you only because of your examples. I am now experts on rhetoric don’t dare playing with me!

Churchill also uses the fallacy of misinterpreting evidence. What makes you think that India will be successful with a federalist government? Your evidence is not leading to a reliable conclusion. Only because in “the United states of America, in Canada, in Australia, and in South Africa” this political systems “have arisen,” it doesn’t mean it will work in India as well. Churchill, you are also contradicting yourself. As you said before India is a country that has a lot of controversy in this topic, in the other hand it has various internal problems that if the government fails to solve, the consequences may harm the country. Having a federal government is not the solution for all the problems India has. Okay, I’m not going to generalize and try to manipulate you with some fallacies, I don’t play that way, I will tell you that your solution may work and your points may be good, but please address the other part of the population, don’t be egocentric. STOP!