Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Play The Game

After learning all of Heinrichs techniques of attacking he enriches our knowledge with some of the tricks for defending ourselves.

After reading that blank sheet of paper that has big capital letters saying DEFENSE I was shocked. This word can cause to types of feelings while reading. One is a tremendous shock of not knowing what will come and the other one is a big relief of knowing everything will be all right because we know how to defend.

Knowing the point of the opponent can help persuade your enemy. As I said on my previous blogs, an argument is not about winning or losing, is about convincing. If I know how the opponent feels with my arguments I know how to attack and to persuade all the points of the argument.
All the advertisements do is play ticks on you. They manipulate your mind to make you feel that their product will satisfy all your needs. 

For example, in this commercial of Clorox, the fat lady knows she made a mistake telling the other lady she was pregnant. To make the moment less awkward she just through the glass of wine in her shirt . With this she has an excuse to walk away.  The commercial has two goals,  first of all make you laugh and second make you think that with Clorox that big stain will go away. In this moment you feel a connection and this convinces you to buy this Clorox. Here the creators are creating a connection with those you suffer with stains. Without knowing the audience they just manipulate their minds and make them buy this detergent.

Thanks to Heinrichs knowledge and rich ideas one can detect these techniques. Clorox may be a very good detergent, but also think about the exaggeration and the company’s goal. They want to make you buy that product; therefore they will make everything to convince you. Here is where “comparable experience stands” (187). Sometimes we as buyers let ourselves convince form the sellers and from the advertisement techniques. To avoid this to happen Heinrichs provides a set of examples and explanations. These will help the audience know how the companies play on us as buyers.  

1 comment:

  1. Be careful with your apostrophes

    ¨Heinrichs techniques¨should be ¨Heinrichs´ techniques¨
